
regional information service معنى

  • دائرة المعلومات الإقليمية
  • regional    adj. إقليمي, جهوي, ...
  • information    n. حقائق, معرفة, م ...
  • service    n. مصلحة, خدمة عسك ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. regional information center for science and technology معنى
  2. regional information centre معنى
  3. regional information centre for the study of the mountains of central asia معنى
  4. regional information network on new and renewable sources of energy معنى
  5. regional information officer معنى
  6. regional information support services معنى
  7. regional information system on social policies معنى
  8. regional information technology and software engineering centre معنى
  9. regional initiative معنى
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